The best steam deck games to play, watch and obsess over in 2022

steam deck valve

Give your gaming passion a hike with the newly launched steam deck games! Those eagerly waiting for the latest and most exciting games can now relax as Valve has come up with rousing and best steam deck games this year. The steam deck has become a noted source for gamers who used to play thrilling games. The games on the steam deck are stimulating and highly fascinating, which can easily engage gamers efficiently. The factual data shows the games are playable; that is, players are experiencing fewer errors. In addition, gamers enjoy playing flawless games on the console; this way, the steam deck is proving the perfect solution for them in 2022.   Why is the steam deck quite fulfilling? To facilitate gamers’ endless thrill, Valve has come up with such an ingenious invention in the gaming industry that is Steam Deck. The steam deck is proving hugely advantageous for all those who are enormously waiting for some exciting and entertaining games from which they would not get bored. The steam deck is spreading an occult over every game lover with its startling features and performances. Following are some core advantages of the steam deck; let’s have a look at them; Influential quality: The very excellent and cost-effective gaming device with powerful features, that is, the steam deck is, serving the best to the users with killing qualities. Massive game collection: The steam deck contains an ample of exciting and latest games that make gamers extremely happy and rejoice. Ingenious gaming device: The steam deck is a pretty innovative and fulfilling gaming device which is why people would love to play creative games on this. Also containing MicroSD storage: The steam deck gaming device has an additional MicroSD storage feature as well for the extra storage so that the user could not face any kind of hindrance while playing or installing any game.   All these advantages are pretty enough to describe how much the steam deck is bestowing the best to its users and also meeting their expectations with high integrity from a gaming device. The thrilling features of the steam deck games are a core factor that makes it more popular and favored than others.     What is so unique about the steam deck games? Valve has released thousands of outstanding steam deck games that are either verified or playable. Consequently, games are getting viable and gearing up the thrill of gamers to the extreme. Due to the high-rise performance, the demands for verified steam games are incredibly getting at peak and widely preferred among other games on the deck. The gamers are experiencing a greater level of fun after such a long break with the best games on steam deck. Based on the research and experiences of the players, the steam deck games possess a few categories; performance, entertainment, and compatibility. All such categories are key factors responsible for the hyper popularity of the steam deck games. It is because gamers usually seek excellent quality, fluent, and errorless games that they can enjoy in one move. Thus, this year, steam deck best games are governing the gaming market the most.     Several famous and most preferable steam deck games have stolen the attention of many people due to their advanced graphics and interesting story concept. Beneath are some best steam deck games 2022; let’s have a closer look at them;   God of War: An ultimate creation of Kratos with a unique concept. The game is full of adventures and thrills. Simply it is the best game that is a single-player title. It contains a blasting soundtrack along with refined gameplay and story direction. In addition, the high-performance quality and the resolution power of the game are pretty pleasing.   Resident Evil Village: The game initially takes some setting improvements, but once it gets startup, it will blaze the fun fire at the maximum. It is a highly stimulating creation of steam deck gaming that runs at 60FPS. The theme is broad and engaging, with fantastic sound effects and an exciting tale.   Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered: Spider-Man Remastered is the most famous game blooming on the steam deck. The story concept is a brilliant kind of movie criterion. All the visuals, soundtrack, or anything we consider will surely give a fabulous experience with lots of fun.   Forza Horizon 5: The most kicking and alluring game is here only, Forza Horizon, a complete racing game with mindblowing visuals and incredible sound effects on the steam deck. It is an epic game; nevertheless, the tactic of portable playing makes it more catchy, which would drag the player to jump and go for the quick race play.   Half-life 2: Gear up your riding with this adventurous game full of fun and passion for riding. The game’s grip is extreme hi-tech actions along with tremendous enthusiasm. If you go for this, you will enjoy the killing fun that will pull you to spend many hours on this game at an affordable price on steam.   F1 22:  Continue your racing craze with another game, F1 22 that will navigate you to an excellent gaming experience. The rip-roaring action of this game will surely attract the player’s attention and compel them to engage in this gaming for a longer time to gain more fun. In addition, the exciting challenges make the game pretty enjoyable to be stuck on it.   The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles: The awe-inspiring and fascinating game on the steam deck is Ace Attorney Chronicles, which brings curious excitement to the players. The game is suitable for both the pros and the newcomers as well. However, the most engaging characters and features are the reason for the popularity of this game on steam. It is getting favorable due to the fantastic gameplay and a fine courtroom drama which make it pretty amazing to play.   Stray: Another game with a complete package of entertainment and thrill is here. Stray is an adventurous sci-fi game that will speed up your curiosity and

Importance Of Game Art Design In Game Development

The Design of Things is the essential part of the design. A good design can change a company’s output, or it can create an entirely new market. The importance of game art design has been recognized by scholars, but it is not as commonly discussed in creative circles. People often forget that computer games are not just meant to be consumed by people. They are meant to be also enjoyed and appreciated by them visually. When creating a game, the designer has to devote more time and attention to the visuals as well as gameplay. The appearance of a product is important because it affects people’s moods, which directly affects their behavior. A good game can change people’s perceptions and affect people’s lives. A good game design will not be successful unless the players can clearly see what they are doing and feel what they are experiencing because the feelings of players are the true driving force behind individuals’ purchasing behavior in games. Essential elements of Game Art Design One of the distinguishing features of the game art design is that it can be used to express realism as well as fantasy in its visual expression. Therefore, designers must take advantage of this feature to create a worldview that players want to see. The other feature is that it can be integrated into the gameplay so that players can feel the visual attractiveness through their respective movements and actions. 1. Sense of presence An important part of the design is not only the appearance but also how people feel when they use it. One of the main functions of the visual expression is to create a sense of presence – players can feel that they are in a certain world, or it makes them feel as if they were already there. This feeling can also be achieved by lighting, vivid colors and textures, character animation, game world characteristics, and so on. 2. Game Art Design Balance and harmony A game is a combination of story, design, music, and so on. When a game is successful, the addition of one element to the other will not affect other parts but will only give the whole game more power and beauty. In addition, there should be a healthy balance among different elements in that each one does not occupy too much space in the game. Balance also means that every element carries out its own function well and complements other elements. 3. Involvement and concentration In real life, we often see beautiful sceneries with little thinking and no involvement. However, people tend to devote their full attention to a work of art that they like. So when making a computer game, designers should use any means, as long as possible, to put players in the same state of mind so that they can immerse themselves in the game. 4. Pleasure and fun When people play a game, they want to enjoy themselves. This can be achieved through visual presentation, challenging levels, and so on. This also gives a sense of satisfaction and pleasure, which is beneficial to the health and happiness of players. 5. Emotional expression of games The visual elements are more direct and flexible ways than words to express the soul of things, intentions, and emotions of people. Therefore, in a computer game that is large in scale, visual expression can be a very important part of its success or failure. 6. Nervousness and suspense Computer games can be adapted to the pace of various people. The most important thing is that each player should feel relaxed, fantasy, excited, and other emotions throughout the game. Visual elements play an important part in conveying these feelings. 7. Quality of Game Art Design Games can be classified as better, average, and poorer. According to the quality of the visual expression achieved by the designer. The most important thing is that fast and accurate execution should be used in all aspects of game design. As well as high quality of both content and presentation. In order to create a game that players will be involved in. Designers should follow the above principles in their design process. The use of these principles will help to achieve the sense of presence, balance and harmony, involvement and concentration, pleasure and fun, nervousness and suspense needed to make a game interesting for the player Explore more game art services with us! Keep in touch with our skillful experts to get more info!

10 Best Upcoming Indie Games To Keep On Your Checklist

upcoming indie games

  Looking through these upcoming indie games is overwhelming! There are many interesting, mysterious, and gorgeous games to watch. Each game is equally ambitious in meeting its goal.   1.    RAPTOR BOYFRIEND: A HIGH SCHOOL ROMANCE The game Raptor Boyfriend developed by Rocket Adrift, is A High School Romance. The game is all about a shy, awkward teenager looking for love in the 1990s. It’s a dating simulator and visual novel game. In this game, the players or the main character Stella make friends with many cryptid teens who are a fairy, a talking velociraptor, and a bigfoot. The game looks like a 90’s teen drama, and it’s got everything from dramatic phone calls, make-out sessions, and recording tapes. The art style looks incredible, too.   2.    SATURNALIA Saturnalia is a fashionable survival horror game issued by the Epic Games Store in 2021. The gameplay takes place in Sardinia, Italy, in 1989, in an old village with a bizarre ritual, and people disappear each year. However, what stands out most is Saturnalia’s art style. You haven’t seen anything like it! 3.    SHE DREAMS ELSEWHERE As you may have guessed, the gameplay takes place within a dream. It’s a roleplaying adventure game. This indie game has a surrealist vibe with the perfect setting for a bad dream. Likewise, the music, composed by Mimi Page, is excellent. She Dreams Elsewhere will release on Mac, Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox consoles in 2021. 4.    GOODBYE VOLCANO HIGH Canadian developer KO_OP is developing Goodbye Volcano Height. It is a narrative game about some high school-aged dinosaurs. They’re figuring out life with graduation approaching. The game is designed as a cinematic game all about the end of an era and the beginning of a love story. Goodbye Volcano High is getting released on PlayStation 4 & 5 and Windows PC in 2021.   5.    SEASON This game was announced at the Game Awards 2020, and developer Scavengers Studio developed it. It was one of the exceptional games from the awards night. The game features a woman accumulating memories of a beautiful, mysterious world. The game is coming in 2021. 6.    CHINATOWN DETECTIVE AGENCY Sure, we’ve got an enormous cyberpunk video game out at the end of 2020. But there is more extra to the genre, and you can witness that in Chinatown Detective Agency. The gameplay takes place in 2032 in a stylish and modern Singapore. The game is created by Singapore-based developer General Interactive Co. and looks like an exciting future and it’s coming in 2021. 7.    VENBA From developer Visai Games, Venba is a “narrative cooking game” set in 1980s Canada. The game focuses on an Indian mother, with gamers tasked with cooking and retrieving lost recipes. It’s a story about a family filled with love and much more. This indie games trailer looks incredible, and the game will be out this year. 8.    SKATEBIRD The game Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 + 2 held me off for a while, but the skateboarding game I’m looking forward to is SkateBird, from developer Glass Bottom Games. Birds on skateboards! Birds! On! Skateboards! You can checklist the game on Steam now. The game is getting released on Nintendo Switch and others consoles. 9.    CHAOTIC ERA From developer BOBBY, Chaotic Era looks super ultra-modern. It is a black-and-white interstellar, real-time strategy game. The developer mentioned that player will take on the role of a hyper-advanced AI system created by one of humanity’s most significant (and now extinct) megacorporations. You should land Earth’s last escape ship on a new world and rebuild human civilization from the ground up in the game. It’s coming to Apple iOS devices.   10.  BOOK OF TRAVELS Developer Might and Delight developed the game. They describe Book of Travels as a “unique social roleplaying adventure that doesn’t hold your hand.” It’s designed in a fairytale world that’s open for exploration,” where the player creates their journey. It’s curious to see how the multiplayer factors play out when this gets released for Windows PC this year.   11.  DORDOGNE The one word to describe Dordogne is stunning. The game has a fantastic watercolor style that anyone will instantly draw to. According to the Steam page, this narrative adventure game has the player engaging in her childhood memories to solve puzzles. Of course, the gameplay is in the present, and the past, but both worlds look gorgeous. It was released for Windows PC in 2021. 12.  TEACUP The character in the game, Teacup is a very shy frog. But, the whimsical world is filled with other animals to meet and plenty of puzzles to solve. It has an incredible aesthetic, highlighting the wholesome journey of discovering herbs to make tea.   Apart from these, there are many indie games which also include Co-Op Games, to look forward to. To stay updated, get in touch with our experts!

Why does cloud gaming make sound sense?

benefits of cloud gaming

Experience gaming like never before to boost your thrill to the extreme. Cloud gaming elevates the quality of the next-gen gaming experience. An advanced and most demanding gaming platform blooming today is cloud gaming. Here, the actual level of higher gaming seems to be more significant. It will ultimately be going to make you buzz and delighted to play more and more video games on an online mode. Cloud gaming services act as a source medium to provide the Hitech video games to the users to play in a cloud. And if we elaborate a little more, it’s a world of newly launched, exciting games that make gamers feel more enthusiastic and inclined towards gaming. In a very cost-effective way, the users or gamers can reach the high-definition games firmly, yielding a relevant engagement for them with cloud gaming.     Cloud gaming is something that is devoid of any device preference for accessibility of the gaming application, and thus, gamers tend more directed towards it. As said earlier that the games are accessible on all kinds of devices the need for the expensive hardware and PlayStations that people go for purchase to enjoy exclusive video games on PC or any else has now become lessened. Such outstanding features make cloud gaming an asset for gamers who are hugely fond of new and exciting video games to play. But the question arises is cloud gaming good or not? To figure it out, let’s move for brief info on its pros.   Is Cloud gaming serving at its best? Talking about the level of enjoyment while playing games online is something that gears up the thrill of all the gamers with such a higher video, and the audio streaming quality is provided remotely to servers in a cloud worldwide. The most advantageous feature of the cloud gaming services is that it serves the most exciting games on a single platform where the bulk of gamers enjoy the games simultaneously with great graphics and audio qualities. It is also found that cloud gaming triggers gamers to play even if they are offline; that is a floating cloud game. Here, the fever of gaming tends to double as the stirring feature of offline gaming seems incredible and influential. Choosing cloud gaming will ensure complete fun and the authenticity of the required data of the users in the gaming application, which means no threat of data scams and cybercrimes as the official gaming sites launch on essential and reliable sources like google cloud. Moreover, if you search for the cloud game on google, you will find many outstanding games accessible on every device, such as mobiles, PCs, gaming systems, etc., along with superb screaming qualities. The level of such online gaming entertainment shoots up the excitement of those who usually get into the gaming world full of joy and fun. However, if we have a closer look at the cloud gaming infrastructure, we would find that it is strategized in a well-organized manner embracing various channels where to launch to maintain the integrity and charm of the game as original as it is.   How is cloud gaming governing over other expensive games? Kudos! Gamers usually say an expression of triumph when they use to play something unique and exciting that brings overall happiness to them. Gamers are those who crucially follow the passion of playing new and enthusiastic games either online or offline, whether expensive or budget-friendly, only they bother for is gaming. Nevertheless, they used to manage some time for fun, to play video games from their hard-busy schedule. All such things show how influential gaming is on people’s minds who are extremely crazy about it. And what if these games are available on an authentic source where the gaming companies launch their latest thrilling games, providing all the best graphics, audio, and video streaming features. The name of that source is Cloud gaming. Cloud gaming services are trending abruptly in the gaming industry and have proven beneficial for gamers as it contains numerous advanced and joyful features that excite them the most. Cloud gaming can be a reason that has become an excellent solution for game lovers to play online video games without spending too much on gaming and can switch to the next game if they get bored with the former one. Moreover, enormous video games offered under cloud gaming are affordable and accessible on almost every device that supports gaming applications. Talking about the video and audio quality then, there is a need not to worry about it because these features are quite standardized and genuine.   What about cyber risks?  The games on the cloud are entirely safer with no risk of cybercrimes and hacking of the user’s personal data, so anyone can easily rely on it and move forward for gaming only. It seems very interesting to have fun with video games remotely across the world at the same time, along with the same kinds of game lovers. As it is cost-effective thus, the chances of the bulk crowd become higher. People’s inclination toward cloud gaming services is getting more profound due to their outstanding features and attractive effluence on gaming, catching the gamers’ attention and engaging them without any fear of data hacking. Cloud gaming services also allow a complete inhibition of piracy, usually done by cheaters. That makes cloud gaming more unique and adequate to the users and helps them enjoy extreme rejoices of gaming.   Get your games scaled up over the cloud with Aavega’s gaming use cases Aavega Interactive is one of the leading core sources of producing new generation gaming experiences with many innovative and effective animation features that can easily catch the attention of game lovers and keep them engaged in their fun. Aavega offers a wide array of gaming services such as game development, game QA, 2D and 3D art services. Our creativity powered by innovation with quality amazes our customers the most and provides them with the best gaming experience to enhance the

7 Best Simulator Games Of All Time

Best Simulator Games Of All Time

  Simulator games are a massive genre in which games are designed to simulate a world into games to mind-boggling details. These games are lately gaining popularity as most other genres are not delivering what gamers expect from them. Let’s dive into the list.   1.      The Sims 4   Sims is the legendary game that gave birth to this genre. To put it simply, it is a life simulation game. There is no main objective or goal to accomplish in the game. Instead of fulfilling purposes, the players are encouraged to make choices and engage fully in an interactive environment. The gameplay is about the simulated worlds of virtual people called Sims. The player can direct their actions, attend to their needs, and helping them to attain their desires. Players can play with pre-existing sims and families or build their own. They can keep their Sims in pre-constructed houses or construct their residences using the in-game construction tools, then enhance the homes with articles of an in-game inventory, as many of us are familiar with the sim series. It is the oldest and most remarkable of all simulators too this day.   2.      Microsoft Flight Simulator    In this game, you can pilot airplanes and fly anywhere in the world. The entire planet is mapped and modeled, ready to be passed across from tens of thousands of airports. Being a Microsoft game, it simulates the whole earth using textures and data from bing maps. You can fly to every single airport in the world, to all 37000 of them. To pull off this feat, the studio uses a combination of bing satellite imaging and a lot of manual work. On top of seeing other players in the world, the Microsoft flight simulator will simulate real daily air traffic across the globe. You can also choose to filter out. Non-realistic pilots in multiplayer clouds throw shadows above the landscape below. The game has the best graphics and detailing ever seen across any game on the platform.   3.      Cities Skylines    It’s a single-player open-ended city-building simulator games. Player involves in city planning by controlling taxation, zoning, road placement, public transportation and, public services. Starting with a plan of land equal to a two-by-two-kilometer site along with a crossing exit from a nearby roadway, as well as an opening amount of in-game currency. Players then maintain several city elements, including its budget, employment, health, and pollution levels. Next, players can add roads, residential, industrial, and commercial zones. Also, players can add essential services like power, water, and sewage to encourage residents to move in and supply them with jobs. Players can also manage a city in a sandbox mode which gives more artistic freedom for the player.   4.      Farming Simulator 19   It’s a farming simulation video game where the players take on the role of a farmer. The player’s tasks vary from expanding and upgrading old equipment and machinery by reaping crops and selling them. The players are free to search the surrounding areas of the map, grow from selecting several crops, and spend their money on new fields and equipment. The players can also take up the responsibility of raising livestock or earn an income from forestry. In farming simulator 19, some new features include horse farming, a redesigned graphics engine, and cotton and crops. The game also features John Deere machinery for the first time, the Komatsu Rao Wilson trailer, and more.   5.      Railway Empire    It’s a rail tycoon simulator games that takes place in the United States between 1830 to 1930. You can build an extensive network of railway lines and buy various locomotives to serve cities and industries. Growing cities in the process and hire railway staff for both train operations and office jobs, all with unique bonuses and character types. You can also unlock innovations such as new locomotives or bonuses to revenue. The game has five primary modes: campaign mode, scenario mode, free mode, sandbox mode, and challenge mode. The campaign mode essentially takes the player into building the first transcontinental railroad, a mission-based aro und the American civil war. In this mode, the player needs to fulfill tasks while competing with AI-controlled competitors.   6.      Kerbal Space Program    It is a space flight simulator games. Players direct a space program staffed and crewed by green humanoid aliens known as Kerbals, who built a spaceport called the Kerbal Space Center or KSC on their home planet, Kerbin. The game highlights a realistic orbital physics engine allowing for multiple real-life orbital movements. Players can create aircraft, rockets, rovers, space planes, and other crafts from this space center’s given set of components. Once built, the ship launched by players from the KSC launch pad or runway. In a struggle to complete player set or in-game guided missions while avoiding partial or catastrophic failure.   7.      Two Point Hospital    It’s a business simulation game in which players take on the position of a hospital manager directed with constructing and maintaining hospital tasks that incorporate building rooms and facilities that comfort patients and staff. Thus expanding the hospital into new plots, you can hire doctors, nurses, janitors, and assistants. Players can manage several hospitals, each with its layout and objectives. The game features unique comical conditions such as having a light bulb for a head, lightheadedness, having a pan on one’s head, pandemic. Freddie Mercury Impersonators are mock star patients and animal magnetism, having animals fastened to the patient’s body. When patients die, they sometimes become ghosts, disturbing the hospital by threatening patients and staff.   And that concludes our best simulator PC games!   Do come up to experience exciting games and stimulate your thrill with us! Be in touch with our experts!  

Understanding the power of QA methodologies – Key factors to drive the success

QA methodologies – Wondering what it is? Quite a relaxing, fun game! Everyone would love to say this when they experience the quality of a game. Sometimes it is just a matter of user experience. If you’re passionate about quality, leveraging the suitable QA methodology is going to be your priority and success factor to make your game a favorite time killer. How can you spot the perfect QA methodology? Now it is time to explore the QA tactics in detail. Let’s dive in and explore more adventure!   Where to draw the line on quality? The next generation of gaming with modern methodologies is pretty enough to make things more possible for machines to debug errors. But how would it get more approachable? The adoption of the right QA methodology facilitates a well-structured and productive process to develop a bug-free and reliable application that will result in the amazing gaming experience. Quality Assurance is crucial to building a seamless user experience with testing protocols. Ultimately, it ensures the quality of the product by meeting the expected requirements.   Why should you worry about QA methodologies? Quality Assurance – The heart of all products. Quality assurance drives the success of the product delivery and gives a satisfying and fine result. The goal is to maintain the consistency of application development in a well-organized manner and bring up some excellent output. Bugs in the gaming software will ultimately lead to its downfall of it as it bears some sort of hindrances. The testing methodologies are a great source of help for any gaming application to run efficiently and fluently. Following are some of the perks of the QA methods used in game development that consequently give a successful completion of the product Increased user experience, quality upgrading, and improved user engagement Satisfactory output result Audience-friendly handling Maintains the standard to attract more traffic Assurance of proper functionalities Outstanding services The above factors showcases the importance of QA methodologies that enables a device to run an application efficiently and with maximum believability. The QA methodology is merely distinctive from the manual testing methodologies this would raise the chances of accuracy in detecting any bug more easily.   Know a brief about QA methodologies and processes: No wonder choosing the right QA methodology would help in the enhancement of the application designed for any device to make it more attractive and engaging due to its well-defined processes as gaming requires fluency the most to make it purposeful.  Let’s have a look at QA processing: It helps in focusing more on users and their experiences; thus, all the development are being processed considering user-centric concerns The automation technique is followed by continuous integration, which is required to reduce the costs and helps in enhancing the successful output achievement The process of test and code coverage to obtain a virtuous and authentic product The shift-left techniques give assurance for quick identification of bugs that will lead to savage expenses, and it’s quite time-consuming as well Wise and absolute testing is used to figure out the number of bugs the application contains. The experts use to practice all the testing accurately to avoid any occurring deformity in the product. After the completion of functional testing, the QA procedure proceeds with testing at the UI level, which helps in the bug avoidance activities. Portability is quite a harder step; well, it is so because a single application has to be operated on various platforms. Reliability is a crucial factor that should be resistant enough to any kind of system crashing or breakdown of the components. Documentation is an array of all the records and relevant amendments done essentially with the help of several changing methods to secure organized data records.   What more can you expect from game QA service? To make your game more engaging and creative, and acquire high-yielding fluency that should bring some traffic to it, you must undergo through absolute QA services that include specific methodologies to make your gaming application a bug-free product. As if your game is not performing well, users consider it as a bugging issue and drop the plan to play that game, so to avoid such circumstances, the game should be thoroughly dealt with the QA methodologies. Wrapping up with the key points of QA methodologies and game testing methodologies as well will help you to gain more experience and information about a better understanding of QA in gaming and how it is driven to develop a bug-free and well-accepted application. Whatever we have discussed above will make you able to decide what QA method do you use and why? To resolve issues related to bugging and develop a genuine error-free product in a channelized and facile way.   What makes Aavega more rocking and unique? Strong dedication and excellence make our services more creative and attractive as we aim to benefit our users the most by providing them purposeful result that can meet their expectations from gaming applications. Aavega Interactive is Sun Technologies, Inc. subsidiary cell, built with an aim known for its excellence and proven player-centric source in the gaming domain in all aspects. We prioritize clients’ experiences and requirements and offer them our bespoke services to meet their expectations to the fullest. Our team works on the development of games on various authentic platforms like Mobile (iOS, Android), Web, and PC (windows).   Our Motto: Our objective is to deliver trusted and reliable services in game development, game QA and game art with incredible integrity where the quality remains uncompromised Our values impart our company’s culture. A well-renowned and channelized gaming service where consistency of innovation and assurance of productive output is the foremost priority Our vision is to be the top go-to service provider for gaming in development, QA methodologies, and game art covering all platforms Hence, Aavega is quite an amazing and unique gaming services provider bearing the caliber to serve the advanced hi-tech services more efficiently and accurately, targeting to achieve a great user experience. Gear

5 Reasons Why You Should Localize – Game localization

All games are developed from a cultural context. Game localization is about customizing that connection to another specific market. For a game or app to achieve a global reach, localization is a powerful way to broaden the market and reach more gamers. What is video game localization? Game localization means an evolution of the video game for the international markets. The localization method includes translation, internationalization, culturalization, and linguistic QA. A vast number of gamers will not download a game unless it is in their local language. Game localization builds believability worldwide. Higher rankings, higher downloads, and increased sales are the pros. I give you five reasons why you should localize your game 1. To increase sales and downloads You have a game, and you are on to launch it. Congrats! It might not transform people’s lives the way you expected. But it is fun. Maybe this game truly will change lives, your life, for instance, because now you want to sell your game. To boost sales, you need to increase downloads. To raise the downloads, you need to broaden the market. Only localizing can achieve that, and this is when you reach more gamers. Going global is going local. It is worth it! The return of investment (ROI) is impressive. For example, almost 100% of the top 100 downloads in App Store China are in Chinese, Japan, and Korea. Those are huge game markets having high levels of translated games. These Asian countries have a strong preference for native languages combined with low proficiency in English. But there are major European game countries like France, Germany, and Italy where the English ability is huge, but they still prefer games in their regional language. Localization is about reaching the local context in every region. Can you afford to lose these markets? 2. You want your gamers to feel important Localization is an easy way to entertain and attract your users. Walking that extra mile will bring followers who endorse you. As they feel like it was made for them specially. Today, game developers want gamers to understand and involve themselves in the story. With the front-end user experience, a faultlessly tailored localization engages gamers and allows them to play their own story. Furthermore, the more languages covered, the more happy users will play your game in their own aesthetic and linguistic context. Localization is essential as it will stop confusion on the storyline. In addition, a personal relationship is built between the developer and user. 3. To have control of your game Localization is a way for you to evade other translations or ROM hacking. Of course, developers have differing views about this area. However, if you translate and localize, it is easier for you to control the translation quality. If you are thinking to localize, instead of compressing it somewhere at the end of the project – use an expert localization vendor and make localization a part of the project. It will lessen you both money and time but also give you control of your primary distribution. Simultaneous release in various languages can produce your launch with positive feedback. Localization is a part of the method that saves you time and money instead of changing the text and translating it just when it completes. 4. Save you from public embarrassment A good localization lessens the risks of misinterpreting or giving the wrong meaning and provides marketing an extra push. It is not just translation. The translation is about switching a word into a word with the same meaning in another language. To translate, you need to be a native speaker with a great understanding of slang, jokes, and cultural references. And localization is not just translation. It is about adapting local influences like music, color, date format, food, holidays, suitable crop in that region, etc. Localization is an understanding of the local, social, and cultural environment. Thinking big is thinking small. You need to localize if you want to go global. If you understand your users, they will appreciate you. Your returns will be increased sales, happy users, and good reviews. 5. Get a higher ranking on App Store Users have the power to influence your ranking. For example, lack of translation might lead to negative reviews that show disappointment. And to grow from that feedback needs a lot of time and effort. But if professional translate the app, users will not experience those staggering incorrect translations and start giving positive feedback. And this feedback from various vital countries will get App Store to pay attention to your product. As a result, your app will have a higher potential of showing up in App Store searches. In addition, studies have shown that people will pay to download if the app is translated, especially into their language. Do you still think it’s expensive to localize? No, not when you’re about to make billions.

5 Mind Blowing Features Of Steam Deck

Nintendo! It may be time to keep an eye out. Valve is ready to swap things up with its forthcoming handheld device, the Steam Deck. Emphasizing powerful technology and the oh-so-massive library from Valve’s distribution platform, the Steam Deck can transform handheld gaming forever. We’ve taken a glance at all the details available right now for Valve’s handheld PC and picked out five of the most exciting features of the Steam Deck. 1. The Enormous Game Library One of the most notable selling points for the Steam Deck is the library of games. According to Valve, the whole Steam library can be able to be played on the Steam Deck on release. If you already don’t know, Steam is the primary way PC players enjoy their games. Before 2019, it was the only way to play titles that EA or Blizzard didn’t publish. Steam’s store has over 50,000 plus games, varying from free-to-play games like Smite to the newest Call of Duty. In addition, some games have been brought to the Steam store from older consoles, like Persona 4 Golden. Many of these PC games have never leaped to console or much less a handheld device. Fortunately, that much less is enough to turn over the $5 reservation price for several gamers. 2. The Forthcoming Dock While the Steam Deck will be wholly handheld when it first releases, and a dock will come out after that. The dock allows people to use a mouse and keyboard for controls while displaying the game on a screen. So it makes the Steam Deck a portable computer that you can especially game on. Although it’s not advertising itself as a console, The Steam Deck could eventually compete with PlayStation and Xbox because of this. Recently, Valve has had controversy regarding its revenue split with developers, but Steam remains a more leisurely route for smaller developers to publish on. This will make the Steam Deck a versatile option for a lot of players. In addition, most of the games besides console exclusives — are presently published on Steam, so gamers will be able to make a one-time purchase and use it on the go, attached to the TV, or even still on their PC through the usual Steam store. The Steam Deck dock will allow external devices like mice and keyboards to be connected. 3. The Built-to-Last Hardware The main thing that worries some players is the hardware inside the Steam Deck. Will it be able to play most of the games that get released in the next few years? In a few words, the answer seems to be yes. While some have their questions over whether the Deck will be able to play every game, the specifications seem to be saying yes with 16 GB of RAM and which looks to be a pretty capable CPU and GPU. So the Steam Deck shall be able to run most games for years to come by. However, this doesn’t mean that all the games will be able to run at maximum graphics settings, particularly not when docked. For now, most gamers expect many of the games to run quite well on medium to high settings based on the game title. 4. The Size of the Screen The display size of Steam Deck is seven inches diagonally, which is somewhat bigger than the 6.6-inch screen on the standard Nintendo Switch. It should come in handy in accordance to comfort. Games are often pointed because of text size. If too small, subtitles and menu selections can be especially difficult to read in some video games. Sadly, there’s not much that Steam can do about adjusting the size of the text within games, but the larger screen the Steam Deck has, the better. Probably, seven inches at a resolution of 1280×800 will be sufficient for most titles. The Steam Deck should be accessible to the eyes and hands with an intelligent design and a big screen. 5. The Controllers If you have a Nintendo Switch, then you know the never-ending efforts of the straight-backed controllers. In addition, playing the Switch in handheld mode can be difficult because there’s no natural way to hold the controller. This leaves many gamers, including ourselves, with sweaty hands and aching fingers. This problem is fixed by Steam Deck by attaching handholds on both ends, which looks like your regular controller. Plus, the button arrangement is supposed to feel natural, with both analog sticks placed at the top-side of the controller to lessen cramping. All-in-all, there are lots of reasons to be eager about the Steam Deck’s release date. The first consoles will start shipping in December 2021, but due to high demand, it means anyone pre-ordering now may need to wait till later next year.

5 Best Co-Op Games On Steam

  Solo play is incredible, but sometimes it gets boring, and the only thing that makes it enjoyable is playing co-op games with friends. Of course, there are multiplayer games, but most feel like standing alone in a massive player base. But don’t worry, here is a list of the five best Co-Op games on Steam, which you can play with your friends as local co-op or over the internet. We have considered games of all time and kept a strong focus on new games. Let’s dive into the list. Stardew Valley: Steam 10/10 This game introduced multiplayer in 2018, adding co-op for up to four or more players. With mods sharing the same farm, it’s a pleasant place to spend time together by dividing up the endless farm chores and watching your overgrown homes eventually morph into a thriving veggie plantation. Multiplayer works pretty seamlessly, so you can play easily like any other online co-op game. You can share money, or otherwise, you can have your own houses, inventories, and relationships with the Townsville so your whole crew can mostly do their things and then come together for special seasonal events. It lets you live out an alternate life as a farmer away from the hustle of cities and video games with guns and whatnot. It’s about escape, and you can escape with your friends and real people in the mix. You get an actual community in this game. It Takes Two: Steam 10/10 It is an action-adventure video game with elements from platform games. The game should be played with another player through local or online play as it is designed explicitly for split screens cooperative multiplayer. In this game, the players control an estranged couple named Cody and May, converted into dolls by a magic spell. The two players or characters of the game must work together with help from a magical book character named Dr. Hakim to fix their relationship and return to the real world. The game features many game mechanics from various video game genres fluctuating from rampaging vacuum cleaners to suave love gurus. Over Cooked 2: Steam 9/10 It is a cooperative cooking simulation game where teams of up to four players prepare and cook orders in absurd restaurants. The game was developed by Team17 and published by Ghost Town Games. Undoubtedly, overcooked is one of the most insane stressful, and joyful games on this list. Tasking players with making food may sound simple, but anyone who’s ever worked in catering will tell you a kitchen is the devil’s workshop. Players can gather, chop and cook ingredients, combine them on plates, serving dishes and wash dishes. Each succeeding level offers a different menu and increasingly complex dishes. Earthquakes, moving floors, and other obstacles complicate the cooking process in chaotic restaurants. It’s the chaos that creates overcooked best moments. The game also has an online multiplayer in which teams can connect either across a local wireless network or through online matchmaking. Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout: Steam 9/10 It is a platform or battle royale game that draws inspiration from game shows like Takeshi’s Castle. Up to 60 players can play in matches with battle royale-style gameplay. The game was developed by Mediaonic and published by Devolver Digital. The competition aims to qualify for the following rounds by completing each randomly selected mini-game. Certain mini-games involve running towards the finish line at the end of the map, while others add elements of teamwork. In every mini-game, obstructions appear throughout the map for added complexity. Players who are too slow or fail specific requirements for a mini-game get eliminated. In the final round, the remaining few players compete in a final match with randomized mini-games designed for smaller player sizes. The final winner of the game will be the last player standing. Valheim: Steam 10/10 It is a survival and sandbox game developed by Iron Gate Studios. All players in the game are Vikings in the afterlife, where they have to craft tools, build shelters and fight enemies to survive. The game uses stylized 3D graphics with a third-person prospect and a battle system inspired by action games. You can cooperatively play this game with up to 9 people, and the game also supports PVP gameplay. The game has various biomes with different enemies, bosses, and items available as the player advances through the game. Combat ranges between close combat, one-hand, two-handed, weapons, shields, and long-range bows. Players can travel through different biomes either by foot or boat, and the boats range from rafts to full Viking longships.